Saturday, October 22, 2011

Music and Dancing

Music and Dancing<3 Ahh..two of my favorite things! 
People came to Detroit's ballrooms to forget about the war and their financial troubles. Certainly, they came because they knew there would be great swing bands playing such as Glenn Miller and Arite Shaw. Heck, you even had the chance of spotting Joe Louis on occasion! No-one cared if you were rich or poor because you all came to dance and enjoy the bands!

Can you believe that dancing was so loved during these times, people even danced on the streets of Detroit?! Local businesses, such as Wonder Bread, would place speakers on their trucks and play music while people had dance riots in the streets! Wishing for a time-machine yet? :)
Furthermore, being a musician, I digress at how so many important bands/jazz musicians, black or white, where in love with Detroit's vibrant swagger. Swing dance and music was such an important part of Detroit culture and it's what brought people together from all walks of life even during the most depressing of times. 
Undoubtedly, as our country faces these current troubling times, we find refuge in television series such as Dancing With the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance. However, I feel that instead of simply watching these amazing performers, we need to get up off our couches and DANCE!! I believe that dance (along with music) is the best medicine for the soul and brings vitality into the most downtrodden of communities.
Happy Dancing!!:)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Swing Society of Detroit

The new national surge of interest in ballroom dancing brought on by new television series, such as Dancing with the Stars, has made me wonder if people realize that during the first half of the 20th century Detroit had huge beautifuly built ballrooms that would be packed with men and women who danced all kinds of versions of swing throughout the night. Swing dancing used to be a VERY popular past-time that would bring people together socially and let them forget about whatever life worries were troubling them (especially during The Depression). 
In our current society, I have come to realize that we don't always take a break from our stressful routine lives to play like past generations have. Play can be defined as any activity that brings joy into your life; whether it be reading, jogging, or horseback riding. It has been scientifically proven that people who play are more likely to feel fulfillment in their lives. Furthermore, while Detroit has become rundown and the beautiful ballroom buildings have been destroyed or decayed, it has lost its radiant swagger that swing dancing used to bring to it. All in all, what made Detroit great was it's spirited citizens. I wish that these great swing dance buildings were still around for us because I believe that we would have a more happy, united and carefree Detroit.